Result: Cruckton Fives 2024 round 4 – 14 May

13 riders signed on for the last of our Spring 5 mile TTs on a sunny evening with a light south-easterly breeze. Fastest on the night was MSW youth member Noah White with a time of 12:26. Well done to everyone who rode. Thank you to the marshals and helpers and Bob at the Lion […]

Result: Cruckton Fives 2024 round 3 – 7 May

A light Easterly made for a headwind so times were a little slower than last week but it was otherwise a pleasantly warm and sunny evening. Next week’s event is the last in the series, all riders aged 12 or over are welcome. Sign on at the Lion Inn, Westbury from 6pm, entry is £5 […]

Result: Cruckton Fives 2024 round 2 – 30 April

A stiff southerly wind and the possibility of rain (which stayed away until later on) thankfully didn’t deter the riders at round 2 of our 5 mile TT series. Anyone aged 12 years and over is welcome to come along and have a go. Sign on at the Lion Inn, Westbury from 6pm, entry is […]

MSW 2024 Evening 10 Mile TT Points Championship

This year’s MSW Evening 10 Mile Time Trial Points Championship begins on Friday 3rd May and runs each Friday until the end of August. As in previous years, we will run these as part of Oswestry Paragon CC’s Friday evening 10 mile time trials at Queens Head. There are three trophies awarded in this series: […]

Result: Cruckton Fives 2024 round 1 – 23 April

9 riders signed on at Westbury on a cool but bright and clear evening for the first of our 4 early season Road Bike only 5-mile events on the undulating Westbury-Shoothill course. Fastest was newcomer Nathan Plowman. The next event is next Tuesday, 30 April. All riders aged 12 years and over are welcome. Sign […]

Cruckton 5 mile Time Trials 2024

Cruckton 5 Mile Time Trials – 23 & 30 April, 7 & 14 May Following the popularity of the 2023 events, MSW is running four Time Trial (TT) events on consecutive Tuesdays in April and May. This is an opportunity to try racing against the clock. Non-members are welcome. The course is D306/1 – Westbury […]

Thursday Night Training Sessions at Sundorne

Thursday night sessions on the Shrewsbury Sports Village cycle track resume on Thursday 22nd February from 7pm until 8pm. These are not coached sessions but provide the opportunity to ride in a traffic-free environment with different ability groups. The session costs £3, to be paid at the trackside shelter. A helmet must be worn and […]

2024 MSW Reliability Ride

The Mid Shropshire Wheelers annual Reliability Ride takes place on Sunday 18th February 2024 from Shrewsbury Sports Village. Registration of £5 is at the Cycle Track Hub, please follow the direction arrows from the free car park or ask directions at the Sports Village Reception. All are welcome to take part in the 47 mile […]